At Solo, we love recognizing the incredible individuals who make up our community of gig workers and content creators. Our “Friends of Solo” series showcases inspiring stories from those who balance multiple jobs, family life, and personal passions. 

This week, we’re thrilled to highlight Sara Elizabeth, a dedicated gig worker and YouTuber, who has found a way to integrate her gig work with content creation, all while maintaining a balanced life for her and her family.

Getting Started: From Tough Times to Flexibility and Freedom

Sara’s gig work journey began out of necessity. She was between jobs with two kids to support, and needed a way to earn money while maintaining flexibility for her family. Like many who enter the gig economy, Sara was looking for a job that would give her control over her time, and gig work was the perfect solution.

“I was between jobs and behind on bills,” she recalls. “With two kids, I needed something that I could do on my own time.”

This flexibility is one of the biggest advantages of gig work, particularly for parents like Sara. By spreading her workload across the week, she can meet her financial obligations and take care of her children without the constraints of a traditional 9-to-5 job. It's the balance between family time and work that makes gig work such a lifeline for many in similar situations.

Advice for Gig Economy Beginners

As someone who has successfully navigated the ups and downs of the gig economy, Sara is full of practical advice for those just starting out. Her number one tip? Tracking mileage for tax purposes.

“The most important thing to do when starting is track mileage for taxes,” she says. It's a simple yet essential piece of advice that can save gig workers a lot of headaches come tax season. With the gig economy growing every year, understanding the financial nuances, like tax deductions, is critical to maximizing earnings.

Did you know that gig workers can use the Solo app to automatically track their mileage and keep tabs on their expenses along the way?

Balancing Gig Work and Content Creation: A Full-Time Job on Her Own Terms

What makes Sara’s story particularly unique is that she has taken her gig work one step further by documenting her journey on her YouTube channel. The idea started when she found herself needing help with the various gig apps she was using.

“I wanted to document my experience with using the apps and show people how it was going for me. I thought if I needed help with the apps, then others may be having the same issues,” Sara explains.

Her YouTube channel quickly became a way for her to not only share her experiences but also build a community of like-minded individuals who face the same challenges in the gig economy. 

Managing both gig work and a YouTube channel may seem like a lot, but for Sara, it's a system that works perfectly. She considers both roles part of her full-time job, allowing her to create a flexible schedule that fits in with her personal life.

“Doing gig work and running my YouTube channel have been combined into having a full-time job that I can spread throughout the week to have a more flexible schedule for everything else,” Sara says.

Memorable Moments on the Road

One of Sara's favorite gig work memories involves taking her young son on a shift. It’s moments like these that highlight the flexibility gig work offers, allowing for family bonding even while on the job.

“I took my young son with me on a couple of shifts, and he had the best time. He said it was the funnest way to make money,” she recalls.

How Solo Helps Sara Stay on Top

Like many in the gig economy, Sara uses multiple apps throughout her day. Managing earnings from various sources can be a challenge, but Solo makes it easier.

“The most useful feature for me [on the Solo App] is the Automatic Mileage Tracker. It's one less thing for me to worry about tracking while I'm out on the road,” Sara says.

Solo's ability to consolidate data from multiple gig apps is another game-changer for Sara. She doesn’t have to manually calculate her total earnings anymore—Solo does it for her, saving her time and energy that she can invest in her family and content creation.

“I use multiple apps per day, so it's nice to look on Solo and see my total earnings without having to calculate it myself,” she adds.

Staying Motivated During Slow Times

Gig work can be unpredictable, with some weeks being busier than others. So how does Sara stay motivated during slower weeks? She turns to her community of fellow Gigtubers—content creators who, like her, document their gig work journeys.

“When it's slow, I stay motivated by watching other Gigtubers do deliveries and share their struggles. It helps me know that I'm not alone,” Sara explains.

This sense of community is one of the reasons Sara continues to share her experiences online. She understands the value of connecting with others who are going through the same experiences, helping to build a support network that can make even the toughest gig days a little easier.

Fun Facts and Must-Have Gear

When asked about her must-have tech for gig work, Sara referenced her magnetic phone mount, which simplifies her day on the road.

“A magnetic phone mount cuts down on the time of having to clip it in between every stop,” she notes. It’s a small but mighty piece of gear that keeps her focused and efficient.

Wrapping Up: Sara's Story is One of Balance, Flexibility, and Community

Sara’s journey into the gig economy is a testament to the flexibility and opportunities it offers. From juggling work and family life to documenting her experiences on YouTube, Sara has found a way to create a career on her own terms, with the help of tools like Solo.

Her story is an inspiration for anyone thinking about entering the gig economy, reminding us that with the right approach, you can build a fulfilling, flexible career while still making time for the things that matter most.

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